Providing high quality women’s healthcare since 1999
Welcome to We Care GYN Care. Dr. Deborah Wooten has been practicing women’s health in her solo practice since 1998. She began operating out of her home in Norwell and moved to Plymouth in 2015. A graduate of George Washington University, Dr. Wooten performs gynecologic surgeries including hysterectomies, surgical sterilizations, ablations, hysteroscopies and more at South Shore Hospital in Weymouth.
In addition to Dr. Wooten, there are 3 Nurse Practitioners on staff. Amy, Anna and Kendra are well-trained in women’s health care and are able to perform the full spectrum of gynecologic services, and are able to prescribe and refill prescriptions under Dr. Wooten’s guidance. Dr. Wooten’s decision to add nurse practitioners to her practice allows her to have more time and availability to address issues that require more advanced medical expertise. The changes in her practice have allowed improved accessibility for routine appointments along with evening and Saturday hours with the nurse practitioners. This allows immediate availability in my schedule for high acuity problem visits.